What this website is for?

To be completely honest, I made this website for 2 reasons. First, the idea of having my very own website on the internet seemed like a fascinating idea. Second, I got myself to learn HTML5 and CSS, which is what I wanted through this pet-project of mine. The other reasons are secondary ones, like having a place to write down my thoughts, which to be honest I don't think many would benefit from, but if it does, I couldn't be happier. Additionally, I apologise for the poor coding and if you find any issues or want to make any changes, submit an issue or a pull request respectively, on my GitHub account.

Why the name: Codex Forster?

Codex Forster is one of Leonardo Da Vinci's notebooks and was once owned by writer and biographer, John Forster, hence the name. It consists of 3 volumes and The Codex Forster III consists of 94 sheets Leonardo's pocket notebooks of spontaneous, everyday notes and sketches. Leonardo used his sketches and drafts, but also ideas and thoughts, to record in bound sketchbooks and notebooks. It is reported that he always wore such a book on his belt [1]. The work shows the remarkable diversity of Leonardo's interests and contains, among other things, drafts of fables and parables, as well as maps and city plans. So symbolically this website is somewhat a notebook of mine where I will upload posts of topics that intrigue me. On an additional note, if you haven't read Walter Isaacson's The Genius Biographies, I highly recommend it.

The Theme and Easter Eggs

The orange-black theme on the home page is inspired from the McLaren F1 team colours, it just looked catchy on the car, I hope it does to you on the website. If I find anything better, I will update the same.
The font I used for "Codex Forster" is Sacramento. One reason for choosing this font is that it is catchy, another subtler reason is that it the city where The Mentalist is majorly shown to be taken in. And since I was watching the show to my likeness when I made this website, I thought it would be a nice poetic touch to add this font.
The logo (which will be updated soon) is dedicated to the ones who were beside me on the morning of 06/01/2020.
The heading "SpDA581xd" in abstract is a random name to convey that the said section is for random posts that I'd like to be on my website. But it is random only in the abstract, meaning, the string "DA581" in the heading name was put knowingly. It is one of the earliest flight numbers of the Airline company Air Deccan, as shown in the Tamil movie Soorari Pottru, a film based on the founder of the company, Capt. G. R. Gopinath. I brought this easter egg to pay respect to his life and the film based on him.

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