
If one gets into the mindset of looking at things objectively and then ponders about the purpose of a human being, it truly is to make the human species survive, at least this is currently the most accepted argument. We live and reproduce to pass our genetic data to the next generation. Of course, we have evolved at a faster rate than most species, but in the end, our need to reproduce would not die out. An interesting perspective of this argument is that cells or organisms as a whole aim to achieve immortality. Cells make sure to pass a specific amount of information to the next generation before they die, this way they are reborn at every generation. Reproduction as a whole is an attempt at immortality, and by, passing information to the next self, one can live on, forever. Humans and all other species have basic instincts, of which reproduction and the will-to-live are a part. And by will-to-live instinct, I mean processes that are essential for survival, like hunting for food, protection from being killed and more. Humans have evolved to the extent of developing other instincts (let us call them alternate instincts), but on the surface, they can be broken down and be related to our basic instincts. This post is about alternate instincts, because thinking about the fact that we are alive only to reproduce and die, is rather a grim perspective of life, if not depressing. Each of us has SO much potential to grow as a person and to tell someone their dreams and wishes aren't something they should be focussing on, does not seem fair. This post is about taking a minute (keeping the argument of basic-instincts) and asking the reader what they think their purpose is? Why are you here? What do you want to do in life?

I used to think that being the greatest in one's profession is the ultimate goal, inspired by Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan, I sought to give it my best efforts in the field I am interested in, but I figured it isn't enough to be the best. Yes, it isn't easy, but I gave it my all for about 4 years and I always find people better than me. I have become better than some, but in a larger perspective, there is a country full of people who are better than me. But that's okay, I still will never stop getting better at what I do, but that isn't the focus. I recently had a thought in my head that said being the greatest in my field isn't my ultimate goal. I just felt it, nothing I can explain using words. I then felt maybe being one to help the people around you can be one's purpose, maybe just living a peaceful and stress-free life can be one's purpose too. But how can all of us have different purposes? It just doesn't get into my head. When I say purpose, note that I do not want to be confused with ambition. I feel that purpose looks at the perspective of things from a longer time period, whereas we call things ambition that aligns with what we feel our purpose is. I feel asking what one's purpose is a deeper question than asking what one's ambitions are. I asked myself is there one common purpose and then the discussion about basic-instincts arose. I am quite not ready to accept that helping our species survive should be a common purpose, I see many people with different purposes and yet perfectly happy about their lives. Gary Vaynerchuck always says "I just want you to be happy, don't you want to be happy?" Being happy can be a good purpose, thoughts like serving for the greater good, being the greatest, etc. come under happiness, because if that is what makes someone happy, then so be it. For now, I am in a weird state of mind, such that I can't think of any other purpose. Is there any other purpose? Is there no other? I will let you think about the rest. I hope I have given you enough food for your thoughts.
Have a good day!

- Danush S, 21 February, 2021.